Tremendous change is in the air as Kronos moved into Aquarius during the wee hours of the morning. Saturn has moved from feminine ruled earth (Capricorn) into its masculine air rulership. The next chapter has begun. To give the shift an extra boost the Moon joins Saturn in Aquarius letting you know emotionally it's time. If Money was not a problem, what would you do with your time? Your imagination just went wild. After you did your bucket list, what would you wake up and do every day? There has to be something you enjoy doing just because. If you don’t know what that would be, you have some homework to do. For those who do know what that would be, my suggestion would be to dive into the deep end. If you can’t swim, jump in with floaties on your arms. I understand for most it’s hard to mentally get there because of family and societal pressure to conform to like thought. Out of all the signs Aquarius has the highest ability to detach. Detachment is a practiced skill. Not being attached to peer pressure allows you to be progressive, inventing, unconventional, eccentric, and envisioning. Anything else is stale, stagnating, decaying, parasitic, bacteria laden, dead cesspool of human thought.
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