We all battle with finding balance between learning to be happy with what we have and wanting more. Most of it stems from comparing ourselves to others. This can bring up feelings of not stacking up. The Moon is in feminine Taurus creating a squaring tension with masculine Leo Sun. When you hit roadblocks; as in difficulties reaching your full potential, facing obstacles or activating your will power, It can take a toll on your ego and emotional body. All though squares can be stressful, they are great for getting over challenges and getting out of ruts. That thing you have been thinking about doing, today is the day to jump on it. The Sun Mars trine injects extra fire energy which is great for accomplishments, especially physical activities. The Moons trine with Jupiter and Pluto offers a chance to improve your self understanding through a conversation or interaction with someone. We all know that one person that just seems to be filled with good vibes all the time, reach out and connect with that one person who can uplift you morally, optimistically or spiritually use it as the kindling to set your fire ablaze