I know some of you have been reading these horoscopes, and if what I said didn't happen to you personally, you thought, “Oh this astrology stuff is bullshit.” Well, not all things are meant personally. It's a big picture view of the situation we are all currently experiencing. I will say, on a personal level, this same archetype energy is affecting you in a key area in your chart. With that being said, big picture view, Cancer (stay home) vs Capricorn (take your ass to work). This is in a T-square with Mars making an exact conjunction with Chiron. What does all this mean? You're faced with a decision between home and work (school) and the potential of getting wounded while out there. Neptune, the planet of illusions, is traveling through the sign it rules. Are you not seeing the truth right in front of your eyes? The Moon moves into Taurus by the afternoon to bring focus to our value and security. How much do you value your family? How much do you value your Job (School)? Are you going to be Martian and risk injury? Big picture view, shit done hit the fan!