What do you do when you have believed in something for so long, when presented with new innovative information it goes against everything you once held sacred? Grand trines are said to be an easy flow of energy, but it can easily turn to tension when dealing with a T-square at the same damn time. Good news, we have a grand trine in inspirational fire but to reach that fire you must contend with the stressful stubborn fixed T-square energy. The Leo Moon is in an emotional battle with authoritarian Saturn over values and security with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus acting as mediator from the squaring position. The way out is to go within Scorpios deep probing waters. If you dare to go there, you will find the Grand trine in fire asking, “what took you so long to get here?” Chiron in Aries, South Node in Sagittarius, and the Leo Moon combining their collective energy to propel you forward. You need to let go of past beliefs that prevent your emotional healing. The saving grace is Mars in Gemini lending a hand to the Gemini North Node giving you the energy to break the cycle. If you start asking yourself the right questions.
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