Full Moon Friday good people. Are we there yet? Wow, we already made it. “Are we there yet,” shows an impatience or boredom with current progress. “We already made it,” shows a losing track of time while progressing. Same ride, same distance. The difference is one didn’t get distracted by the mile marker signs placing judgment on every turn in the road. On this Full Moon partial lunar eclipse in Taurus, have you arrived or are you asking when will we get there? New intentions set during the May 11th New Moon in Taurus have borne the fruits of your labor depending on how well you tended to your crops. This is an important time which will show you how well you are coping with your personal needs vs what others are asking from you. Is this area balanced or do you feel pulled in two different directions? It’s a partial lunar eclipse because of the North Node sitting a 1° Gemini. Is your Soul on the right path? Are you listening to your feelings and following your heart, or do you need to adjust the current path you're on? For some, a new path needs to be chosen. It could seem as if everything is breaking down around you but for other people things are finally coming together. The Moon will oppose Mercury. Try to think before you speak if you don’t want to fall victim to a Freudian slip.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree, “A woman, past her change of life, experiences a new love.” Can you escape the mental prison of social norms and the behaviors placed on you by others? Are you open to new beginnings? Can you start from scratch? If so, you need to take a totally new approach to the way you have been living thus far.
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