20 years from now: who, what, where, why, and how do you see your life? Many things come to mind of material possessions, but the deeper part of that question is as a person. The Great Conjunction, The Christmas Star or whatever name you choose to attach to it happened today at 0 degrees 29 minutes of Aquarius. It’s also the Winter Solstice and the first day of Capricorn season. Joy meets responsibility. We plant the seeds for our future growth. Where we conceive what is achievable and achieve what we have the ability to conceive. The Pisces moon conjunct Neptune opens the gates to the field of dreams saying if you build it, they will come. We have been dealing with heavy Capricorn stellium energy for a while. Jupiter and Saturn occupied Capricorn for some time but as they moved out the Sun and Mercury moved in. We still have a Capricorn stellium but the theme of the stellium shifts with Sun and Mercury. This can play out as zero tolerance for anyone who stands in your way. The Moons sextile to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn ask you to dream big, dig deep to find the resolve, be patient, and have the persistence to get there. For most this is a depressing time because traditions can’t be followed for ritualized celebrations because of COVID. There are those few that see this time for what it truly is. A time of change. A time of intellectual expansion. A time when you can reach for the stars because the chances of you reaching them are amplified. The 20 year from now you get started today.
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