I'm generally a positive person, but for some reason, the title Blue Monday comes to mind. All Month I have been speaking of tension, strife, delays, and disputes in the air. Let's just call this hell week before September says bye to 2020. It's like September said, “Yes, I know 2020 will be the, ‘Where were you when ..... ‘year, but you're going to remember me. Before we get to the big aspect on Tuesday we still have Monday to contend with first. I told y'all by the end of the year you may hate the word quincunx. Getting the week started off with a bang is the Venus Saturn quincunx putting business and personal partnerships in the time out box. You could find yourself weighing your options. The Sun shines its light on wherever it goes. The Sun Chiron opposition will bring to light what has been hiding down that dark alley you've been too afraid to walk down. You're taking that walk this week, MAN UP! It's a chance to clear the slate and move forward. If you can make it to the end of the alley. This is a week of breaking and turning points, ego and personal power challenges. The Moon will be moving into Pisces early afternoon to mid morning determined by your location. Depending on your level of consciousness, you know that saying, “Take the temperature of the room. " Try tuning into the universal temperature, acting more intuitively then logically at this time. Those spidey senses just may save your ass, trust them!
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