From the time he stepped in the car he started talking. Turns out he is an Irish priest. He talked about the different countries he has been ministering in to having the last signed football from deceased New Orleans Saints owner Tom Benson.When he found out I was from New Orleans he named all the Archbishops he has met there. He was just returning to the country he was ill and needed some type of surgery. The whole time he was talking I was thinking If he sees my astrology booklet how would that conversation go but he never saw it. So why is it the ride of the day? Towards the end he mentioned something about he sister’s birthday was soon then I asked when was his. I didn’t mention astrology really but he is a cancer and I am pretty sure his mercury is in Gemini being that he talked so much. I say you know Cancer people can be empaths (energy sponges) being a priest I am sure you hear negative stuff all day long. Yes I do. What do you do to release that negative energy? As in take a break? My sister just told me I need a break. Yes she is probably right although you see it as serving the Lord it still is a job and you do need to take a break. I meant the body holds energy and being a empathic Cancer who gets sins dumped on you, people leave you feeling good but your left siting with that negative energy you need a release. Guess what happens when you don’t release it? You end up needing surgery like me? Yes, great way for Cancer people to release energy is spending time outside or exercising. I do like walks in the mountains. Good do more walks outside in nature. Wow this sounds amazing. One other thing I know you do morning prayers before you finish ask the Lord to put you in a invisible bubble. Being a empath is a gift you want to feel the energy but you don’t want to take on the energy. You have a great day father. Bless you son!