New day, new week, new moon in Scorpio kicking off the beginning of a powerful week. This new moon is charged up because of its connection with the God of War and the God of Surprise making anything possible. One-on-one encounters will be out of the norm. This is restless energy which is not good for relationships. Someone could be creating disruption in relationships. Is that someone you? Surprising upsets could lead to revising of business partnerships. This is the energy of breaking free. Unexpressed aspects of yourself are waiting to be let out. Let's hope it's a positive manifestation of you.

Adding to this energy, 3 out of the 4 cards are Swords. What are Swords? Ambition and the price we're willing to pay to reach those goals or the consequences we must endure because of our communication on our road to success. What is a warrior without a sword?

A casualty of war. The same person I want with me walking down a dark alley is not the person I want sitting next to me in a business meeting. Problems are not a sign to go to war, it's the universe giving you an opportunity to turn a problem into a creative solution.

That’s if you can drag yourself out of this mental prison you find yourself currently in. The funny part is that prison is self-imposed because you're blind to the solutions. Shifting your perspective will shift you out of bondage.

Jealousy, envy, hatred, aggression can sink us to a low point. Can any good come out of tragedy? It depends on your perspective. Liberating yourself from self-imposed prison will take self-determination. Be OK being the minority of the group.

Define what is right and wrong for you not according to other standards. Most people are attached to limitations and restrictions in their lives, on this Scorpio New Moon dare to go after your desires. You were Born Free!