Paul Heath

Sep 7, 20201 min

The Ticket

Good thing today is Labor Day; the current planetary alignment says it's a good day to be social.  The Moon Neptune sextile sets the mood to do something out of the ordinary.  While running your errands, play that lotto number, or buy that scratch off ticket you had a dream about.  You can't win if you don't buy the ticket.  The Moon is in Taurus conjunct Uranus in a grand earth trine with Jupiter (Luck) and the Sun (Excitement). Taurus is about security.  A few things go under that category,  but we can have a fear of losing what we have, our position, our comforts in life.  This can lead down the road of poverty consciousness unknowingly cutting yourself off from the flow you're so desperately clinging to.  The answer is the opposite of the tight grip on your wad of cash.  It's letting it go, what's truly yours will come back to you.  It's like kids moving out of the house, when they come back they are never alone.



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