I'm Back! I was away for a week taking care of a few things. Sorry to leave you guys hanging. How have the universal energies been treating you? We went through a few shifts. Since I have been gone, Mercury went retrograde, as well as the New Moon in Libra. I hope you planted your seeds of intentions. Today, we have the 2nd of retrograding Mars squaring big, bold Jupiter. When Mars comes out of retrograde, these two will meet again. Jupiter likes to blow things up, as in make things bigger. I was telling people the COVID numbers will rise again, it was because of this aspect. Look at the numbers. The Mars energy infused with Jupiter brings the feeling of the explorer. To set sail on a life-threatening adventure with the courage to "Go where no man has gone"-Star Trek. On a more personal level, this shows up as the desire to move ahead with confident energy. Be careful, because courage can turn into recklessness which can bring accidents. The Mercury Uranus opposition ushers in nervous but exciting times because of new or maybe unexpected ideas that pop up. The Venus Neptune opposition could have you trying to avoid the changing times. Avoiding things only prolongs the inevitable. These times call for flexibility not rigidness. The only change you can control is your emotions. With the last few days of Libra season upon us, recognize that everyone is dealing with some type of movement. Some are doing well and flowing with it, while others are stuck in the mud refusing to move. We were lied to as kids, life isn't fair. GET OVER IT! Are you going to let this be the spark to your greatness or the ditch you get buried in?
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