Frisky Friday to you as we enter the last weekend in Virgo season. Virgo season has been filled with heavy stressful energy leaving us plenty to analyze heading into Libra season. This weekend didn’t want to be left out of the mix. Detrimental Venus in Scorpio is in a merciless square with retrograding Saturn in Aquarius. This signals a time of reevaluating relationships and what you are getting out of them. Saturn the overseer has you pondering your options of pushing forward, continuing to try to make something of the relationship or cut ties all together. The positive of this combination is you could reap the rewards for hard work already put in. We also have a Grand Trine in the air signs. Mars in Libra, Saturn and Moon in Aquarius, with the North Node in Gemini. Do you allow yourself the freedom to think for yourself? Do your words match your truth, insights, and thoughts? Does your professional life align with your passion? Step away from self-righteousness, the need to be right, and not comprehending the other.

Embrace having a healthy curiosity for knowing how others think and learn the art of seeing situations from both sides. This takes an openness to new ideas and experiences. Develop the skill of listening not only to others but to oneself. Someone or something will set things in motion by being the party pooper. Try not to jump to conclusions or make hasty decisions, the Moon Uranus square steers you towards an erratic rebellious irregular response. People come into your life for reasons, seasons, or lifetimes. Don’t get stuck on reasons and seasons people.
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I love the end of this. “Don’t get stuck on reasons and seasons people” 😌